Diversity, diversity, and more diversity... but what is diversity?
Today in our schools, we can receive a wide variety of children, teachers, and non-teaching staff. However, there is always the possibility that some children cannot relate to others due to the difference between them and the other students. or school personnel.
Mindfulness in the workplace
Focusing your mind on remaining in the present
Take a moment to observe the “here and now.”
Your mind can do amazing things. Thinking in the here and now can help you overcome moments of your past. Have you ever found yourself reliving the past? Like one of our last posts, Body Image, maybe you can’t stop thinking about a situation you had when you were a child. You might even be thinking that you could have changed what happened if you should have said or done something different.
You could also tell us that you are not thinking of the past, but is your mind in the future? Do you always think about the future and ask endless questions about “what would happen if”?
Earth Day
Today we celebrate the Earth's day differently from our homes. For this reason, we have created the story Why is my planet different? Join us in this story where we will talk about the differences between the planets of our Solar System while we talk about the differences we have as individuals and how it is good to be different.