Mindfulness in the workplace

Focusing your mind on remaining in the present

Take a moment to observe the “here and now.”

Your mind can do amazing things. Thinking in the here and now can help you overcome moments of your past. Have you ever found yourself reliving the past? Like one of our last posts, Body Image, maybe you can’t stop thinking about a situation you had when you were a child. You might even be thinking that you could have changed what happened if you should have said or done something different.

You could also tell us that you are not thinking of the past, but is your mind in the future? Do you always think about the future and ask endless questions about “what would happen if”?

It is easy to get caught up in thoughts that make us doubt our abilities, our decisions, or even the life we ​​have or are building. These thoughts can negatively affect productivity, health, and well-being and generate more cause for concern.

Changing a pattern is never easy; worrying about what has already happened or is about to happen is not an easy task. 

Practicing mindfulness is one way that you could change the way that your mind is working. Mindfulness, as we have stated before, is where we focus our attention exclusively on the present to direct the mind and avoid distractions.

But how can we use mindfulness in the workplace? And what benefits can we bring to our personal and professional life?

Mindfulness helps keep the present “at the moment” so you can devote your full attention to what you are doing at this time and reduce the impact of distractions. But it is not a quick solution: you need to practice mindfulness practices so that you can receive the benefits of it.

Scientific studies have detected that mindfulness can change the structure of our brains so that they can healthily respond to stress and retain information for longer. It reduces our production of cortisol “stress hormone” (which can have detrimental effects on our hearts), and helps us with our natural emotions.

And when we are not busy worrying about the past or the future, we can face everyday challenges more calmly. These will probably reduce our negative internal dialogue and increase our self-confidence.

Mindfulness can be especially useful in reducing the adverse effects of mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, when used in combination with medications and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The researchers also discovered that people who practice conscious meditation or mindfulness for eight weeks might also experience benefits for their physical health, such as an increase in antibodies associated with our body’s immune functions.

According to psychological studies, mindfulness can help us recognize our “experiential” self, which allows us to be more resistant, adaptable, and receptive. Therefore, we are likely to be more resistant to sudden job losses or drastic changes in the economy, for example. In this historical moment, we are experiencing uncertainty as a traveling companions, so practicing conscious meditation helps prepare us for these challenges.

Other studies conclude that mindfulness can help us develop empathy and increase altruistic behavior. Also, when we are fully present in a situation, we can respond more authentically to people, which builds trust and increases understanding. These qualities help you create more important connections and better relationships with coworkers.

Mindfulness can also stimulate varying thinking, allowing you to generate more new solutions to the daily problems at work. 

Practicing conscious meditation for only 10 minutes before a brainstorming session can stimulate the production of creative and innovative ideas in the work team components.

You can develop mindfulness by following these five steps:

  • Meditate regularly.

  • Look at your surroundings.

  • Go slower in your day today.

  • Pay attention to routine tasks.

  • Accept your feelings.


Negative thinking can cause serious health problems. While it has been found that mindfulness has a positive effect on reducing negative thinking, readers should follow the advice of a qualified health professional if they have any concerns about related diseases or if negative thoughts are causing significant or persistent unhappiness.


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